About us

We employ approximately 4,400 people, making us one of the largest providers of specialist community health services in the country.

We serve a patient population of more than 1.1 million people across Derbyshire and Derby and have an annual budget of £200mn.

We became a standalone NHS organisation in 2011 and a Foundation Trust with greater autonomy from 2014. We were subsequently rated ‘Outstanding’ overall by the Care Quality Commission in September 2019. We’re now integral to the Joined Up Care Derbyshire (JUCD) partnership of health and social care organisations working ever more closely as an Integrated Care System. 

We care for patients across a wide range of services and locations, including 10 community hospital and 28 health centres. We also deliver care from patients’ own homes, GP practices, schools and care homes. Our digital transformation programme and contemporary ways of working mean we’re also able to deliver high quality virtual care via remote consultations, where clinically appropriate.  

Our own staff ranked us third best nationally in ‘Britain’s Healthiest Workplaces‘ survey (large organisations category).  

In an average day we care for:


Number patients in our community nursing and therapy services

Number people in our urgent treatment centres - of which 97% are treated within two hours.

Number of people in our community hospital beds and 14 in our older people's mental health beds

Number of patient appointments across our four community general practices

Number children under 5yrs old are seen by our health visiting service and 46 children are seen by our school nursing teams.

Our mission, vision and values

Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Foundation Trust (DCHS) provides personalised and safe, community-based health services that enrich the lives of local people and communities.

Vision: Our vision is to see the health of local communities improve through partnership working, putting people at the centre and looking to the future. 

Mission: Our mission is to improve the health and wellbeing of local people and communities through personalised, safe and effective community-based services.


  • To get the basics right – For each other, local people and communities
  • To act with compassion and respect – For each other, local people and communities
  • To make a positive difference – For each other, local people and communities
  • To value and develop teamwork – With our partners and within DCHS
  • To value diversity and inclusivity – Of each other, local people and communities.